Everything start with a dream...

Everything start with a dream…

The dream is for everyone to be able to create beautiful unique personal art forms of your photos.

All our products are made in USA with high quality materials, ink and their expert printing processes. We want to spread joy to our customers by decorating your personal, homes with our unique creations.

How PORTRAIX came to life?
The story began with me trying to find the perfect gift for my wife.
As I was strolling in a commercial center trying to find a gift that says I love you with a very personal feeling attached to it. Mostly I saw was these products didn’t so much express the feelings that I wanted to express. I was in a despair I gave up the idea of the gift.

Day after I went to print some photos at my local printer and discovered that they can print our photos on canvas. Great idea but the photos on canvas looked bad as the support didn’t match the photo style, unlike in flat support as paper.

Traditional art is beautiful, although they do take a longer time to make.
What if you can have the same beautiful piece with one click with more affordable prices.

Phil | PORTRAIX creator