Refund & Return Policy

Money Back Guarantee Offer

A refund is possible after receiving the mail with a preview of your creation if you are not satisfied by the result. To begin the refund process, simply contact us by email here requesting a refund for your creation in order in 7 days after receiving your mail with the preview from PORTRAIX. After these seven days, your order will be automatically validated and shipped and a refund will be not possible.
Due to the custom nature of all orders, we don’t offer returns and exchanges after a printed and shipped product. But if there’s something wrong with your order, please let us know by contacting us by email here!

Limitations of Money Back Guarantee Offer

Money Back Guarantee claims are limited to one (1) refund requests per 365 day period, per customer. One refund request can be made for only one item in an order. may deny refunds at our sole discretion if we believe a refund is requested by the same customer more than the allowed number of times under this policy. Customer shall be responsible for full payment of any orders that are denied refunds under this policy.

Wrong Products, Damaged or Lost Shipments

Though rare, it’s possible that an item you ordered was mislabelled. If that’s the case, please let us know by email here within a week after receiving your order. Include your order number and photos of the mislabeled item, and we’ll send you a new one, or issue a refund!
Damaged or lost shipments will be repainted and re-shipped, or repaired free of charge if damage is reported within 30 days of delivery or after 30 days of the last shipping tracking status update. Refunds cannot be given for damaged or lost paintings (only replacement paintings).